We are Wildroots Farm
Ashley, Tim, Everly and Maverick
Both born and raised in the beautiful California desert, we followed a dream to better teach our children how to become fine stewards of the land. This led us to the fruitful valley of Emmett, Idaho. Here is where we teach, learn and guide one another in the art of sustainable living and farming. We pride ourselves on our dedication to cruelty free, eco-friendly and permaculture style land tending.
Our family farm is run with an unwavering dedication to produce quality goods that are shipped directly to you without the use of third party manufacturing. We harvest small quantities of our 100% organically grown goods, as we believe quantity should never out weigh quality.
We strive to do our part in cutting out single use plastics that are plaguing our world today. We proudly package and ship our products with minimal to zero plastic.